Monday, September 15, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance

This morning on the way to work, I realized my three year old could say the ENTIRE pledge of allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. It was AMAZING!!! He's was the leader in his class today, and I asked him what the leader did. He holds the flag as they say the pledge. Then I just asked if he knew it, and he spit it out like "no big deal." I almost wrecked the car!!! What on earth!! How did I not know that. On top of that, he says the entire Lord's Prayer, even the word trespasses... and all of the other hard words, that even sometimes I mess up!

Holy Cow, thank goodness at Meemaw's tonight, Aunt DeeDee brought her video camera. We caught it on tape, so here's Mac saying the pledge.

Maybe Aunt DeeDee will share Veda and Kaylen playing too, then I can share it with all of you! Enjoy.